heyo im vampy! i use he/him prns and im a trans nonbinary lesbian. i am neurodivergent and experience psychosis and social anxiety taken.
my interests are homestuck, enstars, bandori, lucky star, love live, idolmaster, mhyk and cartoons

im a introject of many but for comfort reasons i will only name the most important ! im eridan ampora and vampire cookie dni if you think you are me be original
i dont really have a dni ill block freely unless you think ure me
byf i lovemail my gf a lot (shoutout to @v4mpherb on twitter) i rlly hate gamkat and ALL parfait ships that are not vampire x parfait or gumball x parfait i say slurs i can reclaim like the n word and the d slur so follow me i want friends im #MENTALLYILL